Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

The Application of Computers to Taxonomy by Peter Henry Andrews Sneath

Record book for Busty Morrison pit detailing supplies purchased

Notebook used when instructing in Radio Communication at 151 OCTU

Kompleks kompensator, system Gall. Fabrikat H. Tinsley & Co., London. Betjeningsforskrift og beskrivelse

Beregning af lange sporisolationer

Bestemmelse af afledningen i en lang sporisolation ved hjaelp af emperemeter og voltmeter

Drawing of broad wheeled Sussex waggon as used in the counties Sussex & Kent, Southern England circa 1700-1930

Photograph album entitled, 'The Daily Graphic Plastics Exhibition'

The Development of the Lathe by Karl Wittmann

Catalogue of the Gabb Collection of Early & Historical Scientific Instruments

Log books and servicing forms of Gloster aircraft E 28/39, number W 4041/G

Report of Special Operational Store 'Tyburn'

Vertical movements of axes ordered by left and right barrels for multiplication.

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Works photographic negative of 4-core cable cross sections

‘The Proceedings of The Institution of Electrical Engineers’

'Radio Division 37 Staff Statistics'

Some Considerations in Physiological, Whole Body Protection in Intense Noise Fields

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Works photographic negative of 4-core screened cable

Works photographic negative of 4-core screened cable

A handwritten letter from H.W. Newton to Mrs Evershed

Long service certificate awarded to William Howard